Be what you are is the best interview strategy
What employers want to listen is not you need to say in an interview. It is not a process where you need to please your interviewer or employer to get a job.
It is a process where you discuss your skills, professional experience, achievements and learn about the organization. It is always vital to be comfortable during the interview so that you find a perfect match for your career.
Being yourself means being authentic from resume to your explanations. Do you want to work where your personality and work style do not match? Here are some tips to be authentic and during the interview and find the perfect match.
Be Authentic
When it comes to the interview, many candidates conceal or tamper a few facts. They feel compelled to do this so that the hiring manager sees them as a perfect match.
Does any relationship succeed in long-term built on misrepresentation? Nope.
Authenticity builds trust and strengthens the relationship.
Self-awareness is Key
Most interview preparation blog posts underline the need for confidence during the process. No one can deny it. But, the unfortunate part is they miss out on emphasizing the need for self-awareness. One needs to have the right measure of confidence in wearing the right attitude while being aware of one’s strengths and weakness.
Confidence with Self-awareness brings out humility.
Don’t overdo it
Preparation of the interview is an excellent way to stay ahead. However, if you are trying to anticipate all the interview questions by reading thousands of online posts, you will end up unsuccessful.
Would you like to be sounded a rehearsed person in the interview? No way, therefore read only a few authentic blog posts and learn a few valuable points.
Be a storyteller
You can create an engaging experience for your interviewer with a strong storyline of your professional experience. Any good story is a hero’s journey through the challenges and tribulations. So using this technique to share your professional contributions, success and the difference you have made in the lives of your previous employers can make you a hero in the eyes of the interviewer.
Note: Any good hero gives due credit to his team and never fail to do that.

Small talks can be helpful
You are in interview mode as soon as you reach the venue of the interview. You are always on a watch in the interview process. Your interaction with the front desk and any other individuals you meet as part of the interview counts. Small talks with front desk can help you learn about the culture and values.
Build a Genuine Resume
One of the rookie mistakes that most of the job seekers make is forging their resumes with false details.
According to HireRight’s employment screening benchmark report, 85 percent of employers caught applicants faking on their resumes or applications.
If you don’t have the specific skills required by an employer but still think you could be a right fit, make the case for it in your cover letter.